Contact Us

    • Schwarzwaldstrasse 100 D-60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany +496926486480 +496926486490 Address
    • Baniyas Rd-Port Saeed-Riggat Al Buteen Dubai Chamber Of Commerce P.O Box 390114, Dubai, United Arab Emirates +971 542375673 Address
    • Mail to us


    Some FAQ’s

    Ordering KEDAS GROUP Products
    Becoming Distributor

    • Where can I purchase KEDAS GROUP products?

      Please refer to our list of distributors. You will find all necessary contact details there.

    • What if there is no distributor in my country?

      Firstly, please check whether there is a distributor in a country close to yours. If so you can always contact this distributor. If not – please contact the KEDAS GROUP Headquarter.

    • Can I purchase small volumes from KEDAS GROUP directly?

      KEDAS GROUP is a manufacturer and sells only large batches. For any order please contact our national distributor.

    • I want to be a KEDAS GROUP Distributor! How does that work?

      As a start we would need an e-mail to with a short introduction of your company and your relevant experience in the business. We will be happy to contact you and discuss any further steps.

    • Do you have a MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity)?

      For technical and logistics reasons we recommend a minimum volume of approx. EUR 10.000,00 per order for start-up distributors. But we are always open to discuss other volumes with you.

    • How many distributorship agreements do you give per country?

      It is our strict company policy to focus on one single partner per country. This means you will not face intra-brand competition when partnering with KEDAS GROUP. Our full support and attention is concentrated on one partner to ensure maximum sales volumes and revenue.

    • I want to sign an exclusive distribution agreement! How does that work?
      We give away exclusive distribution agreements starting from a guaranteed turnover of EUR 250.000,00 per annum. Please send an e-mail to

    Ordering Process

    • What is your average lead time?

      For the first order it is approx. 8 weeks (excl. transport) from order date. Once orders come on a frequent basis and a proper forecasting is available this will come down to approx. 6 weeks (excl. transport).

    • What is your way of delivery?

      Usually we send via sea-freight where reasonable. Of course we are always looking for the most effective and convenient way of transportation.

    • What is the cost for transportation?

      There is no extra cost for transportation. All our products are calculated on a CIF basis. This means the transportation to your port of destination (where applicable) is already included in the unit price.

    • How is your pricing constructed?

      All prices given are to be understood per piece incl. shrink-foiling, full-colored carton box and CIF transportation.

    • Which modes of payment do you offer?

      Usually we charge 25% of the order volume with the order and the remaining 75% before shipment against the export documents. Also we accept L/C payment. For any other modes of payment please contact

    • How many units do you sell in one package?

      Depending on the application between 10 and 50 units per package. All grinding discs come in 10piece boxes, all steel, metal and stone cutting discs come in 25piece boxes and all INOX products are packed in 50pieces boxes.


    • Are your products safety tested?

      All our products are DIN EN 12413 and DIN EN 13236 certified. Our Quality Management is ensured by ISO 9001 certification. We run continuous test on every batch to ensure a stable and high quality. This is shown by the SQ (Safe Quality) sign on the product labels.

    • Which safety norms apply?

      To learn more about the recommended safety instructions please refer to the Service Section of the website.

    • How long can your products be stored?

      All resin-bonded abrasive discs should be used within three years of production. The expiry date is shown on the ring of the bore.

    • Cutting tools produce dust during operation. Is this dust harmful?

      Yes, excessive dust is harmful. Therefore you should always wear proper protection like face masks.

    • Can using your products be dangerous?

      Using KEDAS GROUP products is safe as long as you meet the recommended safety instructions. Using appropriate safety gear like gloves, goggles, face mask and helmet is positively mandatory. For further information please refer to the Service Section of the website.


    • I have a special task. Do you offer a matching product?

      First we recommend you take a look in the online catalogue to check if you can find a matching product. If not we would like you to describe your task as precise as possible in an e-mail to and we will be happy to give advice on the perfect product.

    • I could not find a product matching my needs. What can I do?

      Please send and e-mail to We will give you an advice on the matching product. We can also customize a product to your demand for regular supplies.

    • Do you offer other products than the ones featured in your catalogue?

      We are able to supply other sizes and specifications based on your demand. Just send an e-mail to

    • Which applications are covered by your products?

      Please refer to our online catalogue to see the full range of covered fields of application. In general terms our products can be used for cutting and grinding operations of almost any material from steel and alloy to INOX, concrete and stone.

    • What is the range of sizes you offer?

      Our standard range covers diameters from 100mm (4inch) to 450mm (18 inches). We can also produce larger diameters upon request. Thicknesses vary depending on the application from 1.0mm (0.04 inches) to 8.0mm (0.3 inches). Other thicknesses are available upon request. Please refer to our online catalogue to see the full range of products.

    • What is the abrasive agent in your products?

      We offer three different types of abrasive agents. All products featuring an “A” in the specification contain Aluminum Oxide, the “AZ” stands for Aluminum Zirconium which is used for INOX wheels. And “C” means Silicon Carbide and is used for all stone/concrete cutting products.

    • What are the rules for proper storage?

      For recommendations on storage please refer to the Service section of the website.

    • Products from Asia are much cheaper. Why should I use KEDAS GROUP products?

      You will always find cheaper products in the market. But you will hardly find a better performance/price-ratio like the KEDAS GROUP products. We guarantee a stable high-end quality level at a reasonable price. Also safety and liability are important issues for re-sellers and end users. By purchasing KEDAS GROUP products you can be sure that quality, safety and price are always in a reasonable balance.

    • Can I use cutting discs for grinding also?

      No, cutting discs cannot deal with the pressure that is applied during grinding. They will most likely crack or get damaged otherwise. This is extremely dangerous. KEDAS GROUP can offer hybrid discs which can be used for cutting and light grinding. If you are interested to learn more please send your e-mail to

    • Do you have tips for proper and fast cutting or grinding?

      For expert advice about the use of KEDAS GROUP products please refer to the Service Section on this website.

    • I have a well-established brand and would like to start selling abrasives. Do you offer OEM-production?

      Yes, KEDAS GROUP has a large experience in what we call “Private Label Production”. If you want to learn more about this part of our business please send your e-mail to

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